Massage Plus Plus by Blind People

Massage services in Asian countries sometimes quite unique. Have you ever served or spa massage therapy performed by the blind? In the Asia like Bangkok, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, sometimes therapists were blind. Could it male or female. Many blind people who worked as a therapist in a number of massage parlors or spas. One of them is Pitrad Surabaya Plus Plus massage therapy.

Surabaya Pitrad Massage Plus Plus is located in a residential complex that is very dense. Petemon you can achieve from various directions such as the station Turi, Tunjungan Plaza or Darmo. Near this unique massage services, you can stay at Metro Hotel Kedungsari, Arjuna Indah Hotel, Hotel LA Kedungdoro, etc.. We recommend using a taxi just to Pitrad Petemon is because the street is relatively narrow and difficult when driving a private car. For those who first came to Surabaya, a city of Surabaya is quite hot. Average temperatures range from 28-30 degrees Celsius. Do not forget to bring skin care products or use a sun block product.
Rating plus: +

Address & location:
Pitrad 27
Jl. Petemon Timur 27C, Surabaya
East Java - Indonesia
Contact or booking this unique massage plus plus: (62) 031 - 5465030 or 70836204
Website: -
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Why should Spa Plus Plus? Currently, more diverse pressure of life: work, family, children, finances and health problems. Therefore we must be smart to maintain health & reduce stress. Exercise, take vitamins, adequate rest, body treatment routinely, and massage therapy. The best Spa Plus Plus massage therapy in your city. Not only spa in hotels, resorts, but also spa massage parlors aka street. We reviewed the spa is not based on location and price, but the service plus plus they can give to us as a customer.

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